Too Much Rock
Pics+Video Podcasts Singles About
    Saturday December 3rd, 2005 at the YWCA in Cambridge, MA
    The Freeze, American Distress, 26 Beers, Lame Excuse, & Suburban Decay
    Clif Hanger of The Freeze
    BASS of American Distress
    Seth Wilson of 26 Beers
    BASS of Lame Excuse
    BASS of Suburban Decay
    [more photos]
    [13.9M mp4 video]

    Note: I'm not gonna get around to a show account on this one. Just too busy. Luckily for you I put over 120 pictures of the show online. I've not been able to track down much information on the bands, so if you play in one of these bands, get in touch. Thanks.