Quick, we haven't much time. Okay well I haven't got much time anyway. So instead of some epic tome detailing this regular event, let's see if we can sum up the 2014 KC Crossroads Summer Block Party in only a few lines of rhyming verse.
So there was to be a block party held by Golden Sound
A chance for everyone to let loose downtown
Food trucks, crafts, and art everywhere
Acrobats and aerialists with glitter in their hair
But I came intent to hear each band
So next to the stage I made my stand
To start with Jorge Arana Trio was a curious choice
A block party filled with jazz, spazz, and noise?
Kansas Citians walked by giving puzzled looks
Searching the music for missing hooks
But for those who like math rock played in seven
The set was progressive rock heaven
Rev Gusto seemed perfect to play in the sun
The band's pop is light and fun
Still I was surprised to hear
New songs not built on cheer
But instead songs rocky and strange
Is this a sign of an upcoming change?
Next the stage was handed to Mat Shoare
One of the festival organizers just back from tour
No longer a solo artist stern and sincere
He's now joined by a band still simple and clear
But his pop was quiet, never reaching a stride
I'm not sure this is a band to see outside
La Guerre began at the golden hour
Enveloping the block with her vocal power
Katlyn Conroy is a delightful songwriter
Now adding electronics to make it brighter
While still short of rocking the block
I welcomed a singer without a cock
Loose Park began at just about nine
Owning the stage as if by design
With movement and banter and flashing lights too
the show made a rock god of Matt Dunehoo
Finally a loud guitar and a slinky bass
Some pounding drums to wake up the place
Then with The ACBs we stepped to the side
No big rock moments, just pop harmonies supplied
Passers that roamed while other band played
Heard Konnor's falsetto and decided to stay
With songs so perfect and a simple beat
The crowd kicked off shoes and danced in bare feet
Next came something no one expected
A nine-piece ensemble - no instrument rejected
Between Arcade Fire and Rusted Root
A jam band with a bit of Latin flair to boot
The audience swelled and danced happily
But this may not be the band for me
The crowd now thinning, the streets now dark
With Lawrence's Forrester ready to make its mark
But epic songs and electronic gimmickry
Only proved post-rock is not the music of revelry
While many left in search of a happy vibe
The proud parents stayed, supporting their tribe
After the last song I was on my way
Pondering if block party music should always be sunny and gay
But the creators of this one seem to be proud
Just to put good music in front of a crowd
Reminding that whatever the style or vibe may be
Audiences got all eight bands plus acrobats for free