Too Much Rock
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    Thursday June 22nd, 2017 at 2nd Base in Kansas City, MO
    Kool 100s, Kill Vargas, & Beelzebabes

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    A List of Things I Saw (in chronological order):

    Prospect Avenue, police motorcycles, police tape, sidewalk trash, locked gate, 2nd Base, punks, dogs, Siouxsie and the Banshees shirt, bottled water, bibbed overalls without a shirt, mulched yard, stinky basement, laundry, Christmas lights, smelly punks, witty patches, Beelzebabes, atmospheric guitar, surf guitar, monotone vocals, too many punks, pot, dogs playing tug of war, fancy shirts, Kill Vargas, Dan Electro, guitar solos, dark basement, Britt starting the pit, more guitar solos, rock & roll, even more guitar solos, boys in makeup, flying drone, beers in boxes, coffee can for donations, show flyer, setlist written on lumber, Kool 100s, 12-string guitar, battle vest, metal bass, smokers, pushing, shoving, falling, dancing, sweat-soaked shirts, humid night, crime scene investigators, my house.

    An (incomplete) List of Things I Didn't See:

    New Orleans' Vile Bodies who were supposed to headline the show but evidently cancelled but I didn't know about it until after Kool 100s played and suddenly the show was over and I was still waiting around for the band that I had come to see, 8 hours of sleep.